Chemotherapy Hair Regrowth? - chemotherapy hair regrowth
Everyone is aware that chemotherapy often leads to hair loss. What was new for me was the fact that when the regrowth of hair, often a different color or texture. May be rolled curls rights, obligations, and in May. Hair can become more clear, or dark gray.
I was looking for numbers in incidence, but found none. What percentage of cases will occur a change in the texture?
Thank you!
Chemotherapy Hair Regrowth Chemotherapy Hair Regrowth?
9:32 PM
Only certain chemotherapy drugs cause hair loss, but it is almost always temporary. Hair growth may only be a few weeks ago, have passed since the last treatment. It is the most common effect is that chemotherapy on the outer surfaces of the body.
Regrowth of hair after chemotherapy is that the patient had prior chemotherapy at first. In most cases, is growing more hair. But it will not change hair color or hair texture. You might have noticed, it is very rare. It may seem strange that in older patients who use hair dyes as new hair is white or brown.
In the case of occasional or rare can happen that you mentioned. --
I do not believe that this phenomenon has actually been done radiation, until my father had been receiving chemotherapy and whole brain. With chemotherapy increased brown pigmentation of the thickness of silver hair a lighter brown with the same structure.
What is really strange is that a year later had the WBR, turned super good, like baby hair, and a strange, almost maroon. Even in these strange habits yet, I can only assume that is where the radiation. When you're grown up, was in
Now pushed over my thick, dark curly hair (she was blonde, thin and straight - now he is blond, thick and curly.) My friend who had breast cancer, is a slender blonde, wavy - it is now thick, dark brown and curly. I do not know all the others who had breast cancer, that whoever has information for you:)
no percentage, chemotherapy damages cells, good and evil, each chemotherapy for each person, depending on the type of cancer, weight, height, etc. I am in my 7th Designed chemotherapy every 3 weeks, my hair will continue to grow, with 3 more, I want to see how it was itself, of course, elbow loops, corkscrews, their plush, as now,
My hair was just my whole life long and before chemotherapy, had past shoulder length, dark brown, wavy at the ends. After chemotherapy, boy, is the real bottom closed, and the rest is complete. It is thinner. I am waiting for him to make in order enough to do something with it.
You do not know the real statistics ... But my hair was thin and right before chemotherapy and after the mixture seems a little thick and wavy, but only a few centimeters long, it is hard to say.
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