Server Motor I've Been Curious About Radon Mitigation Fans Even Though I Don't Need One. I Saw A TV Show Where _

I've been curious about radon mitigation fans even though I don't need one. I saw a TV show where _ - server motor

is installed, but we must not hear what it sounds like the fan, and I can not even find anything here about how they sound.

You should know, the fan runs all the time to leave, to have more insurance coverage for themselves, and is the strongest, most would be hard to live with it! (I know that the fans in the attic or garage or outside around the corner, but there are.) I find it strange - with only one engine running 24/7/365 (excluding motors of hard drives and fans of teams the servers, etc.)!

Who here has a fan to know such as radon, or simply someone who is, you have heard and know how it looks? What a sound?

Just curious.

Thank you,


Radonguy said...

Hi Mike,
Radon fans are very quiet and energy efficient. Most fans are installed in more than 60 watts. Some of the highest suction fan for drawing air through the porous soil produces a slight hum sometimes perceived by the owner of the house. But this is rarely a nuisance, as white noise.

Is outside of the house, where the exhaust is the sound of the incoming air a bit much, but a damper on the end of the tube can be set to minimize noise.

By the way, the guy who has control of radon in the wake of this old house was my teacher.

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