How To Heal Severely Chapped Lips How To Heal Severely Skin Damaged Lips.?

How to heal severely skin damaged lips.? - how to heal severely chapped lips

I seriously damaged lips. A few years ago, I felt very chapped lips, I could begin, the dead skin tear, leading to inflammation around the lips very red. I guess I have a few layers of the skin. If I can run my fingers over his lips to distinguish the healthy part of the mouth of the rough damaged skin and the skin of the upper lip is red and disappeared. I tried everything I can think of and even a dermatologist, who was no help. I have tried, without peeling them to my lips go a few times, but the thick skin on their yellow forms. Yellowing of the skin after a while it became too loose to the point, as without a straw to drink covered skin. Can someone help me !!!!! It completely destroyed my confidence, I feel as if everyone is always talking about looking at my lips with me.


Yukon C said...

Yung, who went to the doctor and it did not help me? My only suggestion would be that the collection of the mouth and grow the skin was not a good idea. Hold put aloe vera gel on them.

Skorpio said...

One of my friends do not have this problem, biting his lips, no matter how much I love you. Try to use Blistex or Neosporin or A & D ointment. If that fails, contact your doctor within a week or two, or as soon as possible.

Ghghg G said...

Just stop touching her.

partypar... said...

Have you tried vaseline and a lot of him in his bed before you leave at night?

Tami H said...

Vaseline is the best thing we can rely on the lips. Then when you put the sunscreen on your lips go, only the lotion (the sun damage can cause deterioration), if the facial moisturizer sun protection factor of 15 or whatever it is in, rub a little on the lips. And a stick type SPF 15 or higher. Put Vaseline on the night, I think you can even buy a tube of Vaseline on the lips, which can be used. NO PICK YOUR LIPS! The skin is very sensitive and difficult to heal. After leaving the tub or shower, take a towel very, very soft, moist and gently rub your lips with him. Then, if you out of the shower, put Vaseline on them. This should fix the problem. Do not use aloe vera is actually quite dry in its natural form (lotion with aloe are good, but just to be aloe's good) Good luck, my lips hurt you read this!


Go buy aa bottle of Vaseline. The most expensive in the healing of many things. Even if you have dry hands, rub your hands during the night - if you have gloves because your hands after rubbing Vaseline. The next morning you see makes the difference.

The site provides the following information:
General chapped lips / Dry Lips Information
The term "chapped lips" refers to dried, cracked, painful skin in and around the lips and mouth. Normally experience dry lips in winter when the cold, dry air and wind take their toll, chapped lips, but can also occur in summer when sunlight. Chapped lips are very common and are not a serious problem, but can be painful and often lead to difficulties eating, talking and drinking. In general, a lip balm can help tremendously well.

Possible causes for chapped lips / dry lips
Chapped lips are caused by the loss of moisture in the lips. The natural oils of the skin is often reduced by exposure to sun, cold, wind and dry air. Repeatedly wetting the lips without protectingThe former can also lead to chapped lips. Deficiency of essential fatty acids and / or B vitamins, poor diet and dehydration can also cause chapped lips. Chapped lips can also occur if a person is allergic to lipstick dyes.

Possible symptoms of chapped lips / dry lips
Chapped lips often look dry, red and painful sensation. Lips can also break, split and bleed. The pain is usually constant, but can intensify when lips come in contact with moisture or some foods.

Possible changes in lifestyle for chapped lips / dry lips
Apply salt, cold, wet cloth on their lips daily on the lips hydrated. To seal the moisture with a lip balm with beeswax or lanolin. In extreme cases, hydrocortisone cream applied under the lip balm. Avoid frequent lip licking. Change the lipstick, to avoid allergies. Wear a lip balm with sunscreen venture prior to the sun. Use a humidifier in the house if possible. Increase in water consumption in the winter and keep the skin hydrated.

According to the FDA there is no therapeutic claims forr dietary supplements under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act.

Pleasent Dietary Supplements
The B-vitamins reduce the risk of developing chapped lips.

Vitamin E protects the fatty acids and oils.

Zinc accelerates healing.

Aloe Vera, Calendula is soothing to the lips.

REFERENCES: Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 3rd Edition, Phyllis Balch, CNC, James F. Balch, MD

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