Wood Stoves For Sale Can I Build A Ice Shanty Cheaper?

Can I build a ice shanty cheaper? - wood stoves for sale

I saw the building of a hut, ice cream, but my neighbor has for sale for $ 250. It is 7 meters by 10 meters of all the facts runners cedar frame. It has 6 windows Plexy. A few centimeters thick plastic runners. It has a rubberized paint very well. Also has a small wood stove in it. It seems they have really good.


ShortyG said...

When I lived in the ice lasted enough to justify a marginal weight in ice for several weeks leave, I have a hot time. I suspect they are there. Where I am is not enough ice for a sufficient time for such a use of substandard housing. It would be a boat several times during the winter.

Chimp dancer said...

Cabin 125 (half to go) and ready to go? You can not beat this case, even if you are planning to build a cheaper version with wood stolen from a nearby fence ... :) Go ahead and make your own. ~ Catchin luck. "

Artie said...

This seems a good deal for me. Do not think you can use the wood for the price, the more it is to buy a wood stove. , I'll buy, and then change it to your likeing.

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